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Woods and Waters: Course Home

American Nature Literature and Topics in Conservation

Independent Choice Books


Classic study of changing attitudes toward wilderness during American history, as well as the origins of the environmental and conservation movements,

"The Wilderness Letter"
Wallace Stegner

Course Overview


  • To foster a love and appreciation of nature through critical reading of fiction and non-fiction, writing, discussion, and a sharing of our passion for outdoor pursuits. 
  • To become proficient in descriptive writing through the use of a nature journal, and in argumentative writing through position papers organized by rhetorical purpose.

Content and Method

Through reading, discussion, and journaling, students will discover the role of nature in their lives.  Students will study the evolution of America’s view of nature, and the works of our most influential nature writers and conservationists in order to better understand current conservation issues. 

Through “adventure presentations” and occasional class trips to our campus nature preserve, students will learn the value of disconnecting from our busy world and finding God and peace in the solitude of nature.  This course is primarily discussion driven.

Nature Writing Literary Criticism

Critical Insights:  Nature & Environment


6 park PBS series
Ken Burns National Parks