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Books from the St. Xavier Catalog

African Ancestry

African American Genealogy Research

"A Cheat Sheet for Researching African American Ancestors"
by Henry Louis Gates, Jr.. The Root

"Researching Your African American Ancestors"
American Ancestors, NEHGS
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This database helps African Americans trace their Civil War era roots.  The Freedmen’s Bureau Project was created as a set of partnerships between FamilySearch International and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society (AAHGS), and the California African American Museum.

A research community site devoted to African American genealogy, to researching African ancestry in the Americas in particular and to genealogical research and resources in general. Make this your first stop, particularly the interactive beginners' guide!

African Origins contains information about the migration histories of Africans forcibly carried on slave ships into the Atlantic. Using detailed information on 9,453 Africans liberated by Courts of Mixed Commission, this resource presents geographic, ethnic, and linguistic data on peoples captured in Africa and pulled into the slave trade.

 subsection of Family Search
Transatlantic Slave Trade


Jewish Heritage

Hispanic Ancestry

SHHAR is a non-profit organization that promotes family Ancestry and Hispanic genealogy.

British Isles Ancestry

Greek Ancestry

Scandinavian Ancestry