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Theater: Stage Craft Research Project

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Subject Headings / Keywords

Costume Design
Drama – Technique
Set designers
Stage craft
Stage lighting
Stage lighting designers
Stage management
Stage props
Theater lighting design
Theater – Production and direction
Theater Sound Design
Theater --Vocational Guidance
Theaters--Design and Construction

Theaters--Sound Effects
Theaters--Stage-setting and scenery
Theatrical makeup
Theatrical producers and directors

Check out the display of new technical theatre books
in the 700 section

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General Reseach Databases

These databases provide material across the curriculum, and pull from multiple resources: magazines, newspapers, books, podcasts, peer-reviewed journals, etc.


Project Definition - Ms. Harris

Areas of technical theatre  to research:

  • Directing 
  • Stage Management
  • Lighting Design
  • Costume Design
  • Props Design
  • Sound Design, including sound production and music composition
  • Hair and Makeup Design
  • Set Design

Complete the following:

  1. Define your assigned area of theatre.
  2. What is the specific purpose of that area of theatre?
  3. How does that area of theatre contribute to the completion of the production both artistically and technically?
  • How does it support the theme artistically and technically?
  •  How does it support the action artistically and technically?
  • How does it support the overall production design artistically and technically?


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Technical Theater eBooks in Ebsco Discoverer

The following is a sampling of eBooks  that can be searched through the Ebsco Discovery interface.  These titles are also linked from our catalog, and linked below.  These are full text pdf files.


eBooks: Exploring Theater Series from Cavendish Square Online

IMPORTANT NOTE: When you first click on the book cover you will be prompted for credentials. Ignore and wait for the book to load. If it doesn't load the first time, click again and pause while it loads.


NOTE:  Be patient - these take awhile to load!

Interview series with theater instructors at
The University of California:

"Introduction to..."
Costume Design
Lighting Design
Set Design
Sound Design

History of Theatrical Lighting

Internet Resources

Excellent overview - great place to start!
THE AACT Theatre People section details the job descriptions of all the key positions involved in running a show.  This site provides useful information about their tasks and responsibilities of these jobs and more:
Costume designer
Lighting Designer
Music Director
Set Designer
Sound Designer
Stage Manager

Hair Dresser / Makeup  Artist / Prop Master

"In the Wings"
A video series focusing on
various aspects of production.
"Career Guides"
Interviews with leading theatre.
design professionals.
"Working in the Theatre"
Emmy award winning series
on the inner workings of the theatre.


Look in Topics
 for resources on
Costume / Wardrobes
Scenic / Stage Design
Stage Management
Note:  In each section you will find a "Glossary of Technical Terms" focusing on the particular position.