EDS is an online research tool that “pulls together” almost all of our Library resources so that they can be explored using a single search box. The "google" of the library collection.
Alternate Name(s)
Provided by INFOhio. Check to select all databases in the INFOhio collection, or select individual databases such as Academic Search Premier and Topic Search to search simultaneously.
Click the checkbox at the top to select all the databases in INFOhio's collection, or restrict your search to specific databases such as Academic Search Premier.
Full-text information from more than 6,000 magazines, journals, and newspapers. Includes e-books, biographies, radio and TV transcripts, geographic information, primary sources, images, maps, and more.
Gale In Context: High School
Gale In Context: High School simplifies your search for information by bringing together hundreds of thousands of images, videos, and audio selections into one easy-to-use database. While online browsers can serve up unreliable or incomplete results, this database lets you explore vetted primary sources, biographies, critical essays, and other materials in many formats — giving you deeper context to high-interest topics.
Alternate Name(s)
SRIC (Student Resources in Context)
Gale In Context: High School brings together the authoritative content and tools needed to give students context for the high-interest topics they’re studying:
• Helps to develop critical thinking by offering content from a range of sources, such as the New York Times and Newsweek, along with hundreds of thousands of images, videos, and audio files.
• Promotes discovery by enabling students to easily bookmark, print, download, email, and share information online through G Suite for Education and Microsoft Office 365 tools.
• Accommodates diverse backgrounds with ReadSpeaker text-to-speech technology and on-demand article translation in over 20 languages.