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In June 2017, Middletown, OH became the focus of public debate when a local councilman proposed legislation refusing emergency treatment to repeat opiate overdosers. Here are related articles:
"One Politician's Solution to the Overdose Problem: Let Addicts Die, "
Washington Post 6/30/17
"As Opioid Overdoses Bleed City's Budget, Councilman Proposes Stopping Treatment," NPR 6/29/17
The opioid epidemic is a national health crisis. It also hits very close to home: "Overdosed and Overrun: A State of Crisis in Oho." WCPO Cincinnati 6/26/17.
the opioid crisis and the administration of antidotes
Assignment: Locate (and cite) 3 additional reliable sources. Based on your research, choose a position on the use (or non-use) of antidotes (example, Naloxone). Develop an informed opinion and write 1-2 typed pages defending your position. Cite your sources. There will then be a follow-up class discussion where you explain your point of view.
To build a solid argument you will need strong evidence:
To be successful at the research process:
If you don't get the search results you are looking for, play with your keywords - either change your search terms or use different combinations. Keywords should reflect the focus of your paper. You are not being asked to discuss the treatment of opioid addiction in this specific assignment; you are being asked to address the treatment of the rising number of overdoses due to the increase in opioid addiction. Understanding the difference will influence the choice of your keywords and the success of your search.
As you begin to read, questions should come to mind...
What are the implications for public health? Government budgets? First responders? Fellow citizens? Family members and friends? The addicted person? Please note - the discussion of morality in this project applies to giving or withholding an antidote, assuming that addiction is a disease, not a moral choice.
Sample Keywords
Opioid* (opioid, opioids) / Opioid addiction / Opioid crisis / Opioid epidemic
Opioid antagonists: Naloxone / Narcan / Evzio
Ethic* (this wildcard will pull up ethic, ethics, ethical)
Moral* (moral, morals, morality)
Public health / Standing Order / Emergency Responders
humane / inhumane / "compassion fatigue"
implications / impact / dilemma
It takes information to find information!
If you have more questions the more you research,
you are on the right track.
Even more questions to consider:
How is the skyrocketing price of Naloxone impacting the issue?
What is the standing order adopted by most states?
How does the fact that people can now buy Naloxone nasal spray at Walgreens and CVS without a prescription change the equation? What about programs that provide financial assistance to individuals to purchase the drug?
Is Naloxone a safety net that keeps addicts from seeking treatment and their families from facing the deadly reality of addiction?
Does an addict's multiple overdoses equal "repeat offender" in public judgment? How does the perception of criminal behavior impact proposed 3 strike legislation?
When evaluating resources -
Developed by Don DiGiacomo and Andrea Owens. Last updated 11/14/18
If you need assistance with your research, please stop by the library.