Objective: With your service site group members, students will create a public service announcement that encourages greater service to, advocacy for, or involvement with the clients served at their site. You will also compose a position paper that details how this call to action is based upon empirical data about the issue and rooted in an authentically Catholic Christian challenge to love every human being and to change unjust structures that present unfair challenges to those you worked with this year. Finally, students will test the understanding of their classmates on the work presented by designing quiz questions to be administered by Mr Schreiner.
Position Paper
· In addition, each group should write a position paper that gives a fuller background for the rationale behind the recommendations made in the PSA.
· Submit the paper by email attachment to Mr Schreiner at least 3 calendar days before quiz date
· The following elements must be included in the paper:
o What should others know about a need or issue affecting those you served? (Cite at least three research sources focusing on social science data that quantifies the symptoms of the problem you are addressing; see link to our libguide below to access research sources)
o What can Scripture teach us about why we should all be concerned about these people? (Use and explain at least two references)
o How can Catholic Social Teaching help shape our response? (Cite two documents from bishops’ conferences or the Vatican)
o How ought we address this need or issue with concrete charity and advocacy for justice? (i.e., how can we alleviate symptoms and change unjust structures; research may also be helpful in giving you ideas here)
o Explain the elements of your PSA—why did you make the choices you did in creating it?
o Finally, appropriately cite your research with footnotes and a works cited page
Online Quiz
· Each group will compose five substantive quiz questions that relate to the content of the PSA and position paper that your group has created.
· The quiz can include questions in true/false, multiple choice, fill-in, or matching format
· Mr Schreiner will copy these questions to form these questions and answers on a Canvas quiz for your classmates to take on the date listed below.
· Please give Mr Schreiner access to your questions in a Word/Google document at least 3 calendar days before the quiz date.
Online Quiz
· Each group will compose five substantive quiz questions that relate to the content of the PSA and position paper that your group has created.
· The quiz can include questions in true/false, multiple choice, fill-in, or matching format
· Mr Schreiner will copy these questions to form these questions and answers on a Canvas quiz for your classmates to take on the date listed below.
· Please give Mr Schreiner access to your questions in a Word/Google document at least 3 calendar days before the quiz date.
Requirements: Public Service Announcement (PSA)
· Each group will create a PSA, in the form a one-minute video, that communicates the following:
1) A need of the people you have served this year (elderly, at-risk youth, people with developmental disabilities, etc.) or an issue affecting them—use research to bolster you point
2) Ways to care for people like the ones you have served through concrete charity (direct service) and through advocacy for justice (structural/systemic change). See the “Justice & Peace” chapter on Canvas for a fuller explanation of the difference
· Complete the video at least 3 calendar days before the quiz date (listed below) and be sure that it is hosted in a way that Mr Schreiner and your fellow students may have access to it. Please ask Mr Schreiner if you need more direction on this
Check out the AdCouncil to see advocacy models.
Explain the elements of your PSA
Why did you make the choices you did in creating it??
Search ProQuest for articles that provide the Catholic viewpoint on issues. Some Catholic periodicals included in the collection are:
America (Jesuit)
National Catholic Reporter
U.S. Catholic
Other Christian publications in ProQuest you may find helpful are:
The Christian Century
The Christian Science Monitor
To search for a topic within a specific magazine:
* select Advanced Search (default)
* select Publication Title in the the drop-down next to one of the search boxes
* type in the name of your targeted magazine in that search field
* in another search box, type in your subject / keyword