World Myths and Legends in Mythology
Odyssey Online
Bulfinch's Encyclopedia of Mythology
Chinese Myths and FantasiesClassical Myth Homepage
Classical Myth: The Ancient SourcesEncyclopedia Mythica
Germanic Myths, Legends, and Sagas Indian **Mythology**Theoi Greek Mythology
In Search of Myths & Heroes (PBS)
Folklore and **Mythology**: Electronic Texts Godchecker: Your Guide to the Gods Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology lGoogle Directory Myths
Greek Mythology Link Hercules: Greece's Greatest HeroKorean Myths and Tales: Tangun, The Father of Our Nation Magic Web: Mythology and Folklore
Multnomah Homework Center: Mythology
Myth and Legend from Ancient Times to the Space AgeMythMan
Myths and Legends
Perseus Project: Greek and Roman MaterialsWorld Myths and Legends in Art
Timeless Myths Windows to the Universe
Winged Sandals Yahoo: Mythology and Folklore
The Glory That Was Greece from a Female Perspective