LitFinder spans history and geography to offer nearly 150,000 poems, short stories, essays, speeches and plays representing the work of more than 80,000 authors, representing more than 660 nationalities.
Bloom's Literary Reference Online database includes thousands of author biographies searchable in various ways including nationality, type of writing, genre and time period; overview, synopses, analyses and literary criticism of thousands of works including prose, poetry and plays; in-depth articles on topics and themes; some 38,000 analyses of literary characters; and literary timelines. Also included are all the essays by literature maven Harold Bloom from his Western Literary Canon. |
Literature Online Cross-searchable database of full-text literature and criticism covering works of poetry, prose, and drama in English.
LitFinder is a collection of over 85,000 full-text poems and accompanying explanatory materials are carefully selected to meet curriculum needs by Roth's Editorial Board in consultation with Roth's Advisory Board composed of English teachers, librarians and poets. LitFinder has now added full-text short stories and essays and will grow on a daily basis with more new features!
Proquest Learning Literature is a comprehensive resource including 3,000+ author biographies; 40 searchable full-text literature journals; full-text literary works; and other key criticism and reference sources