Search for current article that demonstrates an application of the topics studied this quarter. The article must have a scientific explanation.
Summarize the article and explain how the article connects to what you have been studying in class.
Some of the topics studied:
These are generalized databases
that pull from multiple resources:
(magazines, journals,newspapers, multi-media, etc.)
They will include a great deal of scientific information
Check out some excellent magazines which feature Biology articles. These sources can be searched through our databases.
Discover Database: Academic Search Premier Science Reference Center |
Database: |
Nature Database: |
Science Science News Note: we have an institutional subscription to Science. You will have complete access. |
Scientific American Scientific American: Biology Database: Academic Search Premier Science Reference Center |
If you are like me and enjoy reading about science, perusing articles on a magazine's website keeps me "in the know..." While these publications make quite a few articles from each issue available, many of the full text articles are not accessible on their website unless you subscribe and have a user name and password. However, they often have additional material on their website such as podcasts, video and blogs.
The good news is that most of these publications are available through our database subscriptions. Under each title is a link to the database where you can access full text articles. If you see an article on magazine's website that interests you, just click on the database and track it down. Please let me know if you need any assistance locating material.
(We also have print copies of these publications in our library if you enjoy flipping through magazines.)
Science Friday (public radio) - podcasts and articles
focus on Biology
Science News
Science News for Students
Science Times - The New York Times
Sign up for the weekly newsletter (free)
Last updated 09.27.17 by Andrea Owens. Please email if you have questions or comments.